Seduced by Someday

Talking with a dear friend the other day, to catch up on our lives and goals. He had written a book but lacked the energy or motivation to market. Like many of us, he wanted to step into a readymade career the way we slip on a comfy, winter coat. He longed to hold regular…

Dusting Off Trunk Books

It surprises most people to find out that ghostwriting is “a thing.” But truthfully, most celebrities, politicians, and entertainers don’t have time to write a book. You don’t have to be in that crowd to write one. There are loads of fascinating stories out there that want to be told. Maybe yours is one of…

Please Welcome Our New Arrival!!

So, the waiting is over and we welcome the new arrival! When Jack got home last night I had celebratory offerings next to a headscarf on the kitchen counter. He almost lways welcomes an adult beverage in the evening. He even noticed the head scarf. I encouraged him to pick it up and when he did……

Baby In A Box

Sending my first baby, Painting the Rain, out to the editor for a final. After that revision, it’s off to the printer for actual handheld books!