Adventure Day: A Dare

There was a point in my life where we moved a lot. This meant new states, unfamiliar businesses and unique opportunities. In a new environment, some basics need to be figured out pretty fast: where to get groceries and gasoline, the nearest grocery to get supplies and the most direct path to work. In my…

Satisfy Small Curiosities

The people around us cannot see into the future. If they could, I would have been accepted into every college prep English class I signed up for in high school.

Changing Up

Embracing change encourages growth and resilience.

Powering Through

One summer, my husband I bought a Kayak. I’d done a lot of research and found an inflatable one with excellent reviews that fit our budget and space constraints. We had both canoed before, and Jack had once owned a sailboat. A kayak is a little different, and an inflatable differs from a hard body….

True North

What happens when the beliefs we’ve carried around our whole lives turn out to be untrue?

A Life of Choice

The baseball game blared from a portable television and everything in my apartment reeked of cigarette smoke:  courtesy of a roommate for whom I didn’t harbor good feelings. I woke up one day to an iteration of my life that wasn’t pretty. Not much food in the pantry, all of my socks had holes in them,…