Opportunity: Triumphs or traps

You’ve set your goal, eliminated the biggest obstacles, and now you can set the cruise control and coast, right? If only that were true. Just as getting a degree takes a certain level of dedication and sacrifice, so does monitoring your trajectory. Many things will try to horn in and squander your time, under the…

Feeding Your Dreams

August two years ago, I mentioned that I wanted to go to the beach. Within a few days, a girlfriend invited me to go with her and her family. My mind ran wild with joy as I packed a suitcase. She called back later apologetic, and withdrew the invitation, promising we’d have a girl’s trip…

Keep Going

I have been at the end of myself more times than I care to admit. And, in talking with a friend last night, you’d think that someone who got as beat up by life as I did, would have given up by now. But, I’m not a quitter. I don’t even know what that would…

Powering Through

One summer, my husband I bought a Kayak. I’d done a lot of research and found an inflatable one with excellent reviews that fit our budget and space constraints. We had both canoed before, and Jack had once owned a sailboat. A kayak is a little different, and an inflatable differs from a hard body….

The Truth about Faith

I have a little surprise for all of you. This week the post is from a bright young man in our congregation, Yuri Weisberger. When I heard this message, I had to share it with all of you. If you like it, be sure to comment so we can encourage his writing gift. What is…

Busyness vs. Rest

I like to keep busy. Over the course of my life, I’ve held several jobs simultaneously and once it was up to four. The reasons are the same two for most people: debt and bills. Even when my main focus was homeschooling my daughter, I worked odd jobs and threw pots in my ceramics studio….

Feeling the Heat

I hope your summer is going better than planned. With longer days, the workload has been ramping up here – but that isn’t a complaint. With extended hours of daylight, I’m inclined to go out and enjoy the company of others. Last week I overheard someone say that though it’s just now July, for them,…

End Wilderness Wandering

Have you been wandering around in circles trying to figure out your next move? How great would it be for someone to lead you straight to the place you need to be? Last week kicked off with Passover followed by Feast of Matzo. This was a daily reminder of how Moshe led the Israelites to…

Purple Mindfulness

When nothing is certain, everything is possible. ~Unknown After many years, I finally took the plunge and launched my new business as a full-time professional writer. Before leaving my part-time office gig, I had just enough business to justify setting out on my own, and enough set back to carry me for a year. So,…

When the Wave Crashes Over You

When the day to day becomes like a tidal wave threatening to pull you under how do you cope? This occasionally happens to all of us sooner or later, that overwhelm engulfs even the most self-aware among us. I wanted to be “on” for the people I was meeting for the first time and the…

The Tail of A Year

I’m not big into new year resolutions. I find that turning over a new leaf does hold a lot of promise, but without an actionable plan, most new endeavors fall flat fairly fast. I think about the recently passed NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as an example. While a great many people are able to…